• a Korean roasted barley tea in a cup next to a tea pot and barley grains

    How to Make Roasted Barley Tea (Boricha): An East Asian Delight

    Welcome to our tea-loving corner of the internet! Today, we’re diving into the world of roasted barley tea, also known as boricha. This delightful brew has a rich cultural history and a host of health benefits. So, grab your favorite teapot and let’s get brewing! The Wonders of Roasted Barley Tea What Is Roasted Barley Tea? Roasted…

  • black soybean tea in a tea cup with some black soybeans on the side

    How to Make Black Soybean Tea – Japanese Kuromamecha

    If you are looking for a rich and nutritious tea with Asian origins, you might want to try black soybean tea, also known as kuromamecha in Japan. This unique tea is made from roasted black soybeans (kuromame), giving off a deliciously nutty and slightly sweet flavor. Not only is it yummy, but it has a…

  • How to Make Walnut Tea – The Traditional Tea of Gilgit Baltistan

    Fancy a unique and nutty tea experience? Then we invite you to try ‘walnut tea’ – the traditional tea of Gilgit Baltistan. Baltistan is little known part of the world in northern Pakistan, bordering China, Afghanistan, and India. And If you can look past its natural beauty and into its rich history, you will find…

  • korean honey ginger tea

    Korean Honey Ginger Tea: How to Make ‘Saenggang Cha’

    If you are looking for a warm and soothing drink that can boost your immunity, improve your digestion, and delight your taste buds, look no further than Korean honey ginger tea. This aromatic and spicy tea, also known as saenggang cha in Korean, is a traditional beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries in Korea.…

  • yemeni tea Adeni Chai

    The Traditional Yemeni Tea – How to Make ‘Adeni Chai’


    Did you know that Yemen is one of the oldest tea-producing countries in the world? According to some sources, tea was introduced to Yemen by the Persians in the 6th century CE, and has since become an integral part of Yemeni culture and cuisine. Yemeni tea, or Adeni Chai, is a distinctive blend of black…

  • Da Hong Pao Tea

    Da Hong Pao Tea – The Most Expensive Tea in the World

    Imagine sipping a cup of liquid gold, priced higher than diamonds. Welcome to the world of Da-Hong Pao Tea, the most expensive tea in the world. This tea is not only a rare and exquisite delicacy, but also a treasure trove of history, legends, and culture. In this blog post, we will delve into the…

  • Palestine tea

    How to Make the Traditional Tea of Palestine – Shay bil Maramiya


    Palestine is a land of rich culture, history, and resilience. Despite the ongoing oppression and violence that the Palestinian people face, they have not given up their identity, their heritage, and their hope. One of the ways that Palestinians express their culture and hospitality is through their tea. Tea is a drink that is enjoyed…

  • teh tarik tea

    Teh Tarik: Malaysian Pulled Tea & How to Make It

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    Have you ever wondered what makes teh tarik, or Malaysian pulled tea, so special and delicious? If you have ever visited Malaysia, you would have noticed that teh tarik is everywhere. From roadside stalls to fancy restaurants, teh tarik is a staple drink that is enjoyed by people from all walks of life. It is…