Home » Blood Orange Iced Tea: A Simple Recipe For The Sweet Tooth

If you’re looking for a refreshing and fruity drink to quench your thirst, look no further than our blood orange iced tea recipe! We love using blood oranges when possible since they have a super sweet, delicious, raspberry-like taste. Not only this, they can give the drink a beautiful deep red color to match the sweet-tart taste. So join us, and find out how to create this refreshing drink!

blood orange iced tea

Blood orange iced tea can be the perfect drink for any occasion. Or even better, to cool down with during the summer seasons, or on hot days. Whether thats for brunch, picnics, or just relaxing at home, it’s a versatile drink! And seemingly, people are just naturally attracted to colourful, fruity, and refreshing aesthetic, so it’s a great recipe to show off to your friends or family. Not to mention, blood oranges are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and natural sugars, making them a healthy and delicious addition to your tea.

In this recipe, we will show you how to make blood orange iced tea from scratch, using fresh blood oranges and black tea. You’ll love the refreshing and unique flavor of this drink, and you’ll be amazed by how simple it is to prepare with minimal ingredients and equipment. Plus, it’s a great way to use up any blood oranges that you have lying around. So let’s get started!

To make blood orange iced tea, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 tea bags or 2 tbs of loose-leaf black tea
  • 4-6 fresh blood oranges
  • 1/4 cup of sugar or sweetener of your choice (optional)
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh mint leaves (optional for garnish)

You’ll also need the following kitchen tools and equipment:

  • A kettle or a pot to boil water
  • A pitcher/pot for steeping and mixing the tea
  • A strainer or a tea infuser
  • A citrus juicer (if possible)
  • A stirring spoon
  • Glasses for serving

Follow these steps and you’ll be making blood orange iced tea in no time! Although, these are by no means ‘a must’. Feel free to experiment with different amounts and other ingredients to give our recipe your own personal touch. We would love to hear what you changed in the comments section below! So without further ado, here are the basic steps to make a blood orange iced tea:

First, you need to boil the water in a kettle or a pot. You can use tap water or filtered water, depending on your preference (filtered water tends to improve the quality of taste). Just bring the water to a rolling boil, then turn off the heat.

Next, you need to brew the tea in a pitcher, pot, or container that is large enough. You can use any type of black tea that you like, such as English breakfast, Earl Grey, or Darjeeling. We like to use Earl Grey tea, as its citrusy bergamot flavor naturally infuses with the orange.

Place the tea bags or the loose-leaf tea in the pitcher, and pour the hot water over them. Let the tea steep for about 5 minutes, or longer if you want a stronger flavor.

The next step is to prepare the blood oranges. You can either prepare this before starting or whilst the tea is steeping. First of all, wash them well and cut them in half. Then, use a citrus juicer to squeeze the juice from them. If you dont have a citrus juicer, you can try squeeze them yourself. Just make sure you are thorough!

You’ll need about 2 cups of blood orange juice for this recipe, but you can adjust the amount according to your taste. If possible, you can also try save some blood orange slices or wedges to make it look pretty later.

If you like your tea sweet, you can add some sugar or sweetener to the hot tea. I would advise adding at least a little sweetener to balance out any bitterness. You can use white sugar, brown sugar, honey, agave nectar, or any other sweetener that you prefer. Find out which type of sweetener is best for you in our post: The Best Sweeteners for Tea: How to Find Your Sweet Spot.

Personally, I like to use honey, since it’s a bit healthier. Once you’ve decided, go ahead and add about 1/4 cup of sugar or sweetener, or more or less depending on your taste. Make sure to stir well until it dissolves.

After the tea has steeped, you need to combine it with the blood orange juice. Firstly, remove the tea bags or strain the loose leaves from the pitcher. You can use a sieve if you dont have a strainer on-hand.

Next, add the freshly squeezed blood orange juice to the tea and stir well. You’ll notice that the tea will turn a beautiful pink color, thanks to the blood orange juice!

Now, one of the most crucial steps when making iced tea… Chilling the tea! You must chill the tea enough until it’s well chilled and super refreshing. To do this, you can either refrigerate the tea for a few hours or overnight, or place it in the freezer for about 30 minutes (just dont forget, unless you want blood orange ice cubes).

If you want, you can also add some ice cubes to the pitcher to speed up the cooling process. However, I wouldn’t advise it as this may dilute the drink with water, weakening the overall taste.

When the tea is chilled, you’re ready to serve it over ice. Fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the blood orange iced tea over the ice. As a tip, I like to fill the glass completely to the top with ice. During my time working as a bartender, I learnt that this prevents the ice from melting so quick and diluting the drink. You can even add some sparkling water to the tea for some extra fizz and fun!

Finally, you can garnish each glass with that slice of blood orange you saved from before. Try also adding a sprig of fresh mint to make it even more refreshing. These simple additions add a little extra color and flavor to your drink, and make it look even more elegant and inviting!

blood orange iced tea in a glass pitcher

Now you’ve made your very own blood orange iced tea, you might be wondering if you can make it even better? Well here are a few tips and tricks to make sure you have the best blood orange iced tea in town:

  1. Choose ripe and juicy blood oranges for the best flavor and color. You can tell if a blood orange is ripe by its weight and firmness. A ripe blood orange should feel heavy and firm, not soft or mushy.
  2. Experiment with different types of black tea to find your favorite. You can also mix and match different tea varieties, such as adding some green tea or herbal tea to the black tea for some extra flavor and health benefits. In particular, the light flavor of green tea works well with the delicate blood orange iced tea taste.
  3. Enjoy your blood orange iced tea within a day or two, as it may lose its freshness and flavor over time. Store the tea in an airtight container in the refrigerator, and shake well before serving. You could also freeze it if you have made too much.
  4. Dont let your oranges go to waste and check out our article on How to Use Oranges with Tea for a Zesty and Healthy Drink. In this article, we discuss all of the possible things you can do with oranges for your tea. Including using the orange skin to infuse tea!
sliced orange fruit on ceramic plate
Photo by Elle Hughes on Pexels.com

If only blood oranges were available all-year round, because drinking this blood orange iced tea makes you feel more alive! This delicious beverage is not only simple to make, but also offers a range of health benefits that will make you feel good from the inside out. Here are few of the health benefits you get to enjoy from blood oranges:

We hope you enjoyed our blood orange iced tea recipe! Not only is it refreshing, but it is a super flavorful and healthy drink. Personally, I find it perfect for any time in the year, but particularly for those hot summer days. It might seem daunting at first but as you can see It’s actually super easy to make. You only need a few simple ingredients and equipment, and It’s also a great way to use up any blood oranges that you have lying around.

If you happen to try our recipe, please let us know how it goes. We’d love to hear your feedback and comments. And if you have any questions or improvements, feel free to let us know!


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